Old Wives-Frederick Lakes Southcentral Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan |
Résumé de Site |
SK031 |
Latitude Longitude |
50,094° N 105,968° O |
Altitude Superficie |
666 - 671 m 434,91 km² |
prairie naturelle, lac intérieur salin, marais d'eau douce, terre arable ou cultivée, falaise ou rivage rocheux (intérieur)
Agriculture, Conservation de la nature et recherche, Chasse, Autre
Menaces potencielles ou existantes:
Développement industriel et commercial
Catégorie: significative au niveau mondial: espèce(s) grégaire(s), concentrations de sauvagine, concentrations de limicoles, significative au niveau national: espèce(s) menacée(s), espèce(s) grégaire(s) |
Status de protection: Plan de conservation des ZICO terminé ou en progrès, Refuge d'oiseaux migrateurs (fédéral), Réseau de réserves pour les oiseaux de rivage de l'hémisphère occidental |
Description du site
Old Wives Lake is a large shallow saline lake situated about 35 km southwest of Moose Jaw, SK. This lake is fed by the Wood River, spring runoff, and seasonal rains: in severe drought years, it can be completely dry. Seasonal fluctuations in water levels have resulted in the development and exposure of extensive mudflats and islands. On the eastern side of the lake there is a sandy, rocky island known as the Isle of Bays (about 5 km from shore). Frederick Lake is a small basin situated adjacent to the southwest shore of Old Wives Lake. Ducks Unlimited installed a dam on the Wood River near the west end of the lake which helped create a large riparian marsh upstream, and a variable sized and diverse marsh downstream; the rest of the lake has little emergent vegetation. This IBA is situated within the physiographic setting described as the Chaplin Plain Landscape Area, within the Mixed Grassland Ecoregion. It is situated within the Missouri Coteau, an important and recognized waterfowl production area. Ownership of lands surrounding Old Wives Lake is a mix of private and Crown lands held under grazing lease (northwards in particular). Private lands are mainly used for crop production (to the south and north). To the west of the lake is a gently sloping salt flat - where a relatively minor drop in water level exposes large areas of mud. The upland portions of these flats, areas flooded for the shortest period of time, are Crown lands used for grazing and hay production.
IBA Criteria |
Espèce↓ T | A | I |
Liens |
Date |
Saison |
Nombre |
G |
C |
N |
Bécasseau à échasses |
1994 - 1995 |
SP |
8 102 - 9 040 |
✔ |
✔ |
Bécasseau sanderling |
1987 |
SP |
51 654 |
✔ |
✔ |
Bécasseau sanderling |
1994 |
SU |
2 773 |
Bécasseau semipalmé |
1987 |
SP |
30 404 |
✔ |
✔ |
Fuligule à dos blanc |
1984 |
SU |
63 000 |
✔ |
✔ |
Grue blanche |
2003 |
FA |
1 |
✔ |
Oiseaux aquatiques |
1995 |
FA |
34 292 |
✔ |
Pélican d'Amérique |
1980 |
SU |
3 866 |
✔ |
✔ |
Pluvier siffleur |
1984 - 2011 |
SU |
25 - 39 |
✔ |
✔ |
Pluvier siffleur |
1991 |
WI |
42 |
✔ |
✔ |
Note: les espèces en gras dans ce tableau indiquent que le nombre maximum d'oiseaux à ce site excède au moins l'un des seuils de population (national, continental ou global). Il se peut que le site ne se qualifie pas à ce niveau de ZICO se nombre maximum correspondait à une observation exceptionnelle ou à une donnée historique.