What is a Caretaker?
A Caretaker is a local volunteer who is matched to
one (or more) Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs). Caretakers
are community champions, acting as watchdogs to ensure
that changes within IBAs, or threats to their ecological
integrity, are properly documented – and, ideally,
Caretaker activities vary depending on site
characteristics and their own interests, but can
include: collecting bird
data; conducting site
assessments; restoring habitat; raising awareness; and
advocacy efforts.
Assessing the status
and trends of bird populations and IBAs, and
documenting the value of conservation efforts, will
become increasingly important as the program develops.
Coordinated Caretaker activity will allow us to target
particularly vulnerable sites for additional
conservation action, and will help us ensure that
Canada’s IBA habitats and birds are safeguarded.
Bird Studies Canada, Nature Canada, and
partners affiliated with the IBA Program
provide support, guidance, and training to our
volunteers. Everyone has something to offer, and the
program greatly benefits from the diversity of its contributors.
Join our network of IBA volunteers!